Introducing READ Academy, a unique one-stop outlet for soft skills training. The Soft Skills Training programs at READ comprises of a diversified portfolio of soft skills modules especially tailored for learning organizations such as yours. And the unique part of our training is the systems approach that each course encompasses in line with the organizational strategy without losing sight of the business goals. Our strong belief in soft systems methodology as opposed to the hard systems methodology is based on our understanding of systems thinking and its application. For a brief intro to systems thinking, watch the two-minute conversation between Nit & Wit on systems thinking at You Tube

In our soft skills courses, we present Total Soft Management by juxtapositioning your organization to a system. As quoted by Peter Senge, “The difference between a healthy group of organization and an unhealthy one lies in its members’ awareness and ability to acknowledge their felt needs to conform”. Research has proven the direct correlation between employee growth and overall job satisfaction. This means developing your employees into brighter, smarter, and harder-working individuals can be achieved through ongoing training, a critical part of the overall success of any organization. For your company to grow, it is important for your workers to grow along with it.

We recognize your needs and thus have crossed the T’s and dotted the I’s by allowing you to choose only the training that is relevant to the organizational needs. See the list of soft skills courses that are being currently offered. Pick what you like and READ will ensure you will like what you pick. The choice is yours.

READ was established with the sole intention to promote Sustainable Development. All of our course workshops & services aim to achieve sustainable human development and continuity of benefit for the beneficiary groups. READ is committed to providing cost-effective, quality services to meet our client training requirements and assure that the training correlates to the needs of the industry. All of our course workshops aim to achieve sustainable human development and continuity of benefit for the beneficiary groups. Our training sessions include state-of-the art and professionally developed lesson plans, PowerPoint slides, flip chart, handouts and other workshop activities. Please view our course curriculum and demo course Human Resources Management.

Our introductory price of $199 per delegate is considered a steal for the one-day course at your job site. For additional information on a specific module, please send us the completed professional enquiry form. For additional queries, concerns or need to speak to us, send us an email at

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