16 Oct 2015

Competency based HRM_released 0915

Comp Based HRMA random walk down the HR will reveal many a facts and intricacies of real happenings as an application of the loosely knitted & lightly taken HR.  The Human Capital is to be blamed for an organizational failure leading to a loss and at times tragedy involving human lives.  Skill-based errors tend to occur during highly routine activities, when attention is diverted from a task, either by thoughts or external factors.  Consequently, the tragic incidents that one witnesses in today’s age can be dotted down to an incompetent HR linked to meager organizational goals.   The incompetent HR is per se an incompetent employee who is again a total responsibility of the organization whose flexing arm is the HR but what would an HRM system do?  An ethical HR would most certainly look into the required competencies of the employees and the notion of competencies to inform and improve the processes of performance management, recruitment and selection, employee development and various other human resources activities.
A one-day workshop on Competency based HRM System would debate the challenges in the facilitation of the referenced framework. Specific training topics covered in this new course include:

  • The different types of competencies
  • Reasons for using competencies
  • Applications of competency based HRM
  • Keys to success in using competencies
  • The contents of competency frameworks
  • Coverage of competencies
  • How to develop a competency framework
  • Competencies and emotional intelligence

Additional topics such as Ethical HRM’ and various Human Capital trends may be included accordingly & customized to suit your organizational needs.
To register for the workshop or additional information on a specific module, please respond back with your choice of the pick and/or visit http://readacademy.net/softskills-training-courses/; to fill out the professional enquiry form click on: http://readacademy.net/contact-us/ to enable us meet your business requirements.  If you have any questions, concerns or need to speak to me, Please do not hesitate to get in touch.  I can be reached at +966532874341 (C), and/or email at shah@readacademy.net.
P S: Registering for the workshop entitles you a complementary copy of Time Management by Shah M. Siddiqui also delivered as an E-book.