18 Apr 2015


dev new mgrsManagement must be effective for the success of any business. Unfortunately, it is all too easy to overlook the training and development of new managers. When you provide your managers and employees with the skills and tools they need, you will greatly boost morale and strengthen your organization.

With our Developing New Managers workshop, your participants will understand the value of investing in employees and developing management. By focusing on development opportunities, your participants will establish a culture that retains top talent and improves succession planning.

Workshop Objectives:
• Discuss strategies for developing new managers
• Understand the importance of defining a clear management track
• Determine core roles and competencies for managers
• Understand the importance of continuous development for managers
• Apply the principles of manager development to your own organization

To register for the workshop or additional information on a specific module, please respond back with your choice of the pick and/or visit http://readacademy.net/softskills-training-courses/and fill out the professional enquiry form to enable us meet your business requirements.  If you have any questions, concerns or need to speak to a READ rep, Please call us at +966532874341 and/or email at info@readacademy.net.